10月31日上午,新西兰奥克兰大学机械工程系Jaspreet Singh Dhupia博士应邀来校进行学术交流,作题为“Modelling and control strategies for ensuring performance and reliability of mechatronic systems”的学术报告,机电工程学院张来喜博士主持学术报告会。
学术报告的主要内容为:The seminar presented an overview his research interests covering modelling, estimation, identification and control applications in context of robotic and mechatronic systems. The seminar was delivered in two parts. The first part of the presentation covered the recent contributions in modelling and control of a linkage chewing robot, the redundantly actuated parallel chewing robot, and a soft surface manipulator. The second part of the presentation introduced new monitoring and control algorithms developed by them to handle the uncertainty and varying operating conditions encountered commonly in most industrial automation machines.